Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sprint 2

I forgot to update after Monday's class. There are a few technology problems, but they should be fixed very soon. We're speeding up the process so we can start cranking out prototypes, and, as long as we manage to deal with our Torque issue (which is kind of complicated and bureaucracy-related) everything should work out beautifully.

We handed in the outline of our design document and the technical design document. Brenda was very complimentary, but pointed out that we don't need as much detail as we included since we're doing an agile project. Today, we got to look at the other team's outlines. All of the teams look like they know what they're doing, but I was particularly impressed with the Cowboy Cave team's document. It's extremely thorough.

Sprint 2 is a week and a half away, and our goals are set. They're a little loftier than the goals for Sprint 1 and everyone is going to have to work hard. But this is what we signed up for and I'm confident we'll get to where we need to be.

Sprint 2 Assignments

Tim- keep modeling

Alicia and John-

Main Menu
New Game- Working

Load Game- Direct to Placeholder

Options- Direct to Placeholder

Quit Game- Working

Character Creation Screen- Placeholder

"Begin Game" Button- Working


Character Movement- Working

Menu Bar:

Inventory- Direct to Placeholder

Map- Direct to Placeholder

Game Menu-

Exit Game- Working

Options- Direct to Placeholder

NPC Interaction:


Puzzle Interface Pop-Up




Fleshed out level 1

Concept art of level 1

Layout of other levels

Sketches of other levels


Character Concepts

Concept Sketches (assignment 3)

Website Design

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