Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Systems Listing

We had a group meeting today. It went very well, although Alicia wasn't able to come due to work for another class. We have our goals laid out for the first sprint and we've gotten our system list ready. John wrote out the index for the design doc and Leana and I collected various visual resources. I also did a quick character sketch to get the basic idea of body type, facial structure, costume, accessories, and tattoos. I plan to do several character variations based on this sketch. For Monday, we'll need to get our TDD (technical design document) together. Monday also marks the date of our first sprint. Our goals for this sprint are as follows:

> Have an outline of the design doc

>Have a basic prototype ready (which mostly means we have basic movement controls and the correct camera angle and have, in general, gotten accustomed to our software)

>Have an art bible and a style guide for architecture, color schemes, costumes, items, etc. (this should include some concept sketches as well as photo references)

>Have an outline for the overall narrative and a detailed narrative for the level that will actually be playable

Below is the system list we compiled. I think it seems pretty thorough, but we'll have a better idea of how well we did with it tomorrow.


>New Game/Load Game/Quit Game

>Character Creation

>Sound Effects

>Music (on/off and volume)

>Movement (Left, Right, Up, Down, Situational Jump/Climb)

>Level Division

>Day/Night Cycle


>Weather Cycle


>Paper Doll Inventory


>Item Use/Environmental Item Interaction

>Item Combinations

>NPC Interaction

>NPC Dialog Tree

>NPC Pathing

>Healing Mini-Game (Physical)

>Inspiration Mini-Game (Spiritual)

>Miracle Mini-Game (Boss)



>NPC Well Being (NPC HEALTH)


Music On/Off

Sound Effects On/Off


Window Mode


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