Monday, November 5, 2007

holy cow! an update from class

So, for the first time in ages, I'm updating when I'm supposed to. Our beta turnins are today. We had the option of either turning in the website or the document. Originally we were going to turn in the doc, but we opted for the website due to the fact that the minigames in the document had to be redone entirely. With Brenda's blessing on the new minigames, the beta design document should be right on schedule and ready for Wednesday turn-in.
The website is having some technical issues which are being solved as we speak. The only content that's not up on the website is content that does not exist and the prototype download.
Our prototype level is going to be very prototypish indeed. Unfortunately, we just don't have the manpower to get the kind of prototype we were hoping for. However, we have something playable and that's what counts.
As I'm writing this, Brenda is complimenting the new minigames, which is fantastic news. A few minor detail tweaks and the beta design doc will be good to hook.
Everyone is really tired. As great as it has been to do a full-scale project like this, I think we're all ready for a much deserved break.

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